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Business Talk 24-7

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Affix Music Puts Urban Music on Film (and TV too!)

Simon Horrocks, the Co-Founder of Affix Music, an Atlanta-based music licensing company specializing in placing quality independent Urban Music in Television, Film, Advertising, Games and Digital Media, joined me in the studio recently to talk about his career in music, and how Affix Music came to be.

Wanna be inspired, get a laugh or two AND learn some trivia?  You’ll want to check out this interview.  Did you know that there are only 2 movies – after movies had sound – that did NOT have music in them?  I didn’t.  Take a guess and then listen to the interview to see if you’re right!

Writer, Actor, Producer Dorian Santiago on Life and Other Stuff…

Dorian Santiago is writing, directing, producing and acting.  He’s a regular renaissance man – so it was great to have him in the studio to talk about everything from tattoos to acting in everyday life to “make-you-a-star” scams to  his web series Eeazy with Benny-Demus.

Enjoy the interview… I know I did!

— Dana Barrett, Host of ShowBiz Atlanta



SGI Manages Big Data for the Entertainment Industry

When we think of movies, television and sports, we rarely think about the intense amount of data involved and the intricate systems required to access that data efficiently. Well, here at ShowBiz Atlanta, we’re all about digging beneath the surface to see what’s really going on.  To that end, we invited SGI to come in and chat about what they do!

SGI has a long history in the Media and Entertainment industry, from its early days of being the first platform to make possible the breakthrough 25 years ago for digital effects for such movies as Jurassic Park and Terminator, to today where SGI technology is used for managing the vast volumes of digital content generated by film, television and the gaming industry.

Mark Anderson, who works for SGI locally here in Atlanta along with Floyd Christofferson who called in from California, joined me recently to talk about how SGI provides the technology that is used for the digital mastering of virtually every major Hollywood film today.

They explained that SGI is used by such companies as Technicolor, Deluxe  and many others around the world. In addition, the same data storage management technologies that are used to manage the world’s weather data, enable advanced genome sequencing and to provide tactical support for US armed forces is also used to manage the massive digital content archives for companies like the NBA and National Geographic.

As a leader in technical computing, SGI remains at the forefront of big data management, and at the core of the entertainment industry’s ability to create and manage the extreme volumes of digital content that part of our daily lives.

When we think of movies, television and sports, we rarely think about the intense amount of data involved and the intricate systems required to access that data efficiently.  Get some insight into this incredibly important aspect of the biz! Helps People in The Biz Find Work!

Katrina Diamond, the Director of Marketing for took some time out of her busy schedule to talk about finding work both in front of AND behind the scenes, and how can help.  The company has been a central focus for film, television and music production companies to find resources including people, services and equipment.  They are extremely well known and well loved in cities like LA, New York and Orlando among others and has recently grown tremendously in Atlanta.

We talked about all of the ways both companies and individuals can use and of course how much the industry is growing and changing and the opportunities that are abounding here in town!


Rock & Roll Hall of Fame Drummer Kirk Sarkisian on Giving Back

Last week Kirk Sarkisian, Rock & Roll Hall of Fame drummer – and current drummer for Grammy winning artist Laura Story, stopped by the studio to talk about an organization he is passionate about.  That organization is Wellspring Living.  It is a local Atlanta organization whose mission is to confront the issue of childhood sexual abuse and exploitation through advocacy, education and treatment programs for girls and women.  Kirk came across the organization with some other members of his church and they knew they had to get involved.  So they set out to help raise money for the organization with an annual golf tournament.  This year’s tournament is coming up on April 16th, and there is still time to get involved!

For more information on the tournament go to:

Of course I made Kirk stroll down memory lane a bit and talk about his music career and the work he and his partners are now doing to help musicians get their music out there with DiscRevolt download cards.

Enjoy the interview!

Get Connected with Autumn Bailey and Brent Brooks!

If you’re in “the biz” in Atlanta and you haven’t been to Get Connected yet… what are you waiting for?

Autumn Bailey and Brent Brooks dropped by the ShowBiz Atlanta show earlier this month to talk about their careers and why they wanted to give back.  Get Connected is all about bringing the Atlanta area entertainment industry people together in a fun and interactive way.  Every month is a different theme and every month there are new opportunities for actors, writers, musicians, filmmakers and really anyone who is or wants to be connected with entertainment.   Listen to the interview in it’s entirety and of course, it’s not too late to check out the event this month!  Get Connected is this Thursday March 29th at the Foundry at Puritan Mill.

The Art Project Gets Serious…or Not

Last week was by far the most fun interview to date.  The Art Project (TAP) brought four talented artists (and jokesters) in to talk about promoting the arts in Atlanta through sketch comedy.  My four guests were as follows:

Christian Andrews (creator of TAP)

Cori Burns (writer, director, producer and actress)

David Johannaber (TV and film producer)

and Julio Ceballes (fine artist) – check out his amazing artwork here:


Making it Look Real: Cars on Set

Bob Sarda of Southeast Wheels Events ( joins host Dana Barrett to talk about how the coolest cars, motorcycles and trucks end up on set in the southeast.  He also shares some great stories about cars in general, his need for speed and his upcoming attempt at breaking the steam speed record at the Bonneville Salt Flats.

Bob is quite the storyteller, so tune in, sit back, and enjoy!

TAG Entertainment Society: Not Just for Techies!

Audra Browing, Chair of the TAG Entertainment Society, and Rohan Crawford, a TAG Entertainment Society member whose focus is on the financial side of media and entertainment joined host Dana Barrett in-studio to talk about the what the TAG Entertainment Society has to offer all media professionals. They also discussed the past, present and future of the entertainment industry in Atlanta and why Atlanta is quickly becoming THE place to be.

About the TAG Entertainment Society:
TAG Entertainment Society helps companies embrace convergence, learn about the latest trends, and find investors interested in helping them grow. Anyone looking to create content, deliver or consume online entertainment will find membership in TAG Entertainment very helpful. We discuss emerging technologies, new business models, bilateral investments and distribution opportunities.